
Friday, February 5, 2016

Love in the time of distance

Wordsworth could have a gala time writing poetry and maybe even prose about the amount of long distance relationships I have worked on in my love life in my 26 years of existence. I usually refrain from talking about my personal life on the blog because that is just who I am. Not necessarily someone who believes in hanging billboards about the hardships of having to emotionally and physically ache to be with the one you love. But here I am, having my Dr Emma Lloyd moment, yet again and going back to doing what I do best. Talking about love. And loss. The loss of love. The distance that pervades all the most romantic notions that you grew up with. The idea that you have known to love someone you know you physically cannot be in proximity of, well, 'until the time is right'. It's a modern day dilemma, truly speaking. I cannot imagine my mother or her mother having a second thought about moving right away to where the wind(not really the wind, more like her husband) took her. I would do that for love but would I not look out for my career simultaneously? 
You get by, with a few deep sighs. A bottle of red. The right mystical gown that your fairy godmother spins for you. A carriage that is basically a pumpkin tapped by a magical wand (okay, gross). You get the picture. I decided to dedicate one little quote to all those love lorn readers who actually took time to read my tale of longing and enjoy this visual treat.

There are days when I wake up searching the other side of my bed, 
For the tingle on my skin and the kiss on my forehead.
There are days when all I can think of are the letters I write to you,
But never send across because they belong in my head.

Once Upon A Trunk, an ecommerce venture that has hit the city of Delhi like a fresh bout of spring fever is responsible for helping recreate my fantasy. The concept is fantastic. No, really. You stay in your pyjamas, nurse your glass of wine while you set up an appointment with their stylists on call and they arrive at your doorstep (yes you read that right) with a beautiful trunk full of a bevy of options of clothes, accessories and everything you need to complete that look for a particular occasion. Try them, pick them, keep what you like and send the rest back. It is as simple as that. Of course, you have the option to directly buy what you like online from the website too, no questions asked. If you have been following me on instagram then you saw my unlock my Valentines Day special Once Upon a Trunk chest and it was delightful! It gets even more exciting, this Valentines Day. Order your special V-Day chest and you get the beautiful floral printed trunk you saw in my video as a part of your purchase. Hop on and give it a whirl.

Gown, earrings, clutch bag: C/O Once Upon A Trunk

Maker of the gown: Platinoir for Once Upon A Trunk
Maker of the earrings: Bedika N Richa for Once Upon A Trunk
Maker of the clutch: Saatvik for Once Upon A Trunk

Photography and edits by: Jagrati Marwaha and find her on Facebook



  1. you are looking really beautiful amazing photography


  2. yes you are looking beautiful, really amazing Photography
